March 10, 2009

what happened... my Palpatine picture!? Blah.

So at our Hooters for St. Patricks Day they've decided that we have to have a "schoolgirl" theme. That sucks, because I can't find a short black or plaid pleated skirt to wear. I wish that they'd give us a little more option of what to wear. Ugh. I hope I can find something soon! AH!

What else...

I'm thinking about doing the bikini contest this year. I don't know, though. I have until May to decide, but it'll come up on me fast, I'm sure. Hm. I don't know. There's a lot of competition and you put a lot of work into doing your hair and your makeup and covering your body in oil or glitter and trying to get into shape...Is it worth it? I'm not sure yet. I'll decide later.

2 questions, comments, and/or outrageous objections.:

brit said...

Ugh you too? We have a dress up day for st. patties and they're pushing the school girl theme again. And we have some random dress up day for no reason too... "hoops and hotties." wtf?

A. Robb said...

Haha, Hoops and Hotties? Really? Yeah, I'm just not down with the schoolgirl theme because I have to go find a skirt and I can't find one anywhere and it's stressing me out. They didn't used to make us do one "theme" necessarily, as long as we looked cute and festive.